- Fellow, College of Commercial Arbitrators
- Fellow, Chartered Institute
of Arbitrators - Adjunct Professor of Law, Fordham Law School
- Distinguished ADR
Practitioner in Residence, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law - Attorney at Law
Contact Information Charles J. Moxley, Jr. MoxleyADR LLC 75 East End Avenue New York, NY 10028 (917) 699-8801 cmoxley@moxleyadr.org
Courses and Trainings Provided
Mr. Moxley has been chosen by leading providers and professional groups, including the American Arbitration Association, CPR, the Dispute Resolution Sections of the New York State Bar Association, the American Bar Association, and the Fordham and Cardozo Law Schools to teach and train arbitrators, counsel, and others. The annual three-day Commercial Arbitration Training Mr. Moxley organizes and co-leads for the State Bar and Cardozo provides comprehensive training for arbitrators and counsel in all phases of commercial arbitration. Representative examples:
- Faculty teaching Arbitration Law & Practice, Fordham Law School, 2011 to 2016, 2018 to 2020.
- Faculty, designing and co-leading annual three-day Commercial Arbitration Training for the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) and the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, 2011 to 2023 (see agenda for 2023 training at (Comprehensive-Commercial-Arbitration-Training-for-Arbitrators-and-Counsel-3).
- Faculty, designing and co-leading CPR Advanced Commercial Arbitration Training, 2018.
CLE Speaking Engagements Faculty, designing and co-leading annual NYSBA/Fordham Law School ADR Conferences: - “Arbitration and Mediation 2023: Fulfilling the Promise – Getting Matters Resolved in a Timely and Efficient Way in Today’s World” (2023);
- “Contemporary Arbitration and Mediation––How We Can Do Better” (2022);
- Arbitration and Mediation 2021: Best Practices Working Through––and Beyond COVID” (2021);
- “Business Arbitration and Mediation 2020: How Arbitration and Mediation Will and Should Look in the Future” (2020);
- “Commercial Arbitration 2019––What Parties and Their Counsel Have a Right to Expect and Arbitrators Should Be Delivering: Arbitration at Its Best” (2019); and
- “The Litigative DNA––The Underutilization of Mediation in New York and What Can Be Done About It” (2018).
Moderator/Speaker, NYSBA CLE Programs - “Arbitration of Cannabis Disputes” (2023);
- “Updates to the AAA Commercial Arbitration Rules and Mediation Procedures” (2022);
- “Practical Considerations in Navigating Emergency Arbitrations” (2022);
- “Virtual Arbitrations Are Here to Stay: What You Need to Know” (2021);
- “Missed Opportunities in Approaching Your Arbitration Case” (2021);
- “Best Practices: Roundtable on Different Approaches to Arbitration” (2021);
- “An International and Domestic Arbitration Roundtable” (2021);
- “Hot Topics in Dispute Resolution” (2021);
- “Cyber Security Boot Camp Training: What Must You Know in Your Arbitration” (2020);
- “Artificial Intelligence and Arbitration: The Computer as an Arbitrator––Are We There Yet?” (2020);
- “Insurance Arbitration in light of COVID-19” (2020);
- “AAA-ICDR Virtual Hearing Guidelines” (2020);
- “Best Practices of Counsel in Representing Parties in Arbitration from the Perspectives of Neutrals and Arbitration Institutions” (2020);
- “Arbitration in the Time of Coronavirus” (2020);
- “What Are the Typical Steps in Large, Complex Commercial Arbitrations: Peering into the Arbitrators’ Brain” (2020);
- “Arbitrators’ Questions and Other Proactive Steps in Arbitration: How Far Can Arbitrators Go?” (2020);
- “Peering into the Arbitrator's Brain: How Is Your Large, Complex Case Evaluated?” (2019);
- “ESI and Arbitration” (2019).
- “NYIAC Talks: Bar to Bench Dialogue – The Role of the New York State Court in International Arbitration” (2019);
- “Contemporary Issues in Arbitration and ADR” (2019);
- “Balance Between Efficiency and Justice in Arbitration” (2018); and
- “The 10 Most Important Things for Counsel and Arbitrators” (2016).
Speaker, Other CLE Programs - “Why Courts Vacate Awards––and How to Prevent It,” 2023 AAA/ICDR Panel Conference, Rancho Mirage, CA;
- “Use of Rules of Evidence in Insurance/Reinsurance Arbitration, “ARIAS-U.S. Fall Conference (2012);
- “Best Practices in International Arbitration,” New York International Arbitration Center (NYIAC), 2015;
- ‘Enforceability of Arbitral Subpoenas under the FAA and New York Arbitration Law,” NYSBA/DR Section Fall Meeting, 2014;
- “International Arbitration in the New York Courts,” NYIAC, 2014;
- “Best Practices for Conducting Fair, Expeditious and Economical Commercial Arbitrations, “ NYSBA DR Section Annual Meeting, 2014;
- “AAA Faculty, “Use in AAA Arbitrations of the Protocols of the College of Commercial Arbitrators for Providing the Parties with a Fair and Efficient Process,” AAA/ICDR Neutrals Conference, 2012;
- “Use of Rules of Evidence in Insurance/Reinsurance Arbitration, “ARIAS-U.S. Fall Conference, 2012;
- “Conducting Effective Arbitrations Using Contemporary Best Practices,” Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, 2012;
- AAA Muscular Arbitration Series: Fat-Free Hearings, 2012;
- AAA Faculty, AAA Muscular Arbitration Series: Weight Lifting-Muscular Ethics, 2012;
- AAA Muscular Arbitration: Trimming the Fat Out of Arbitration, 2011;
- “International Dispute Resolution in Practice: Experiences, Trends and Tips,” NYSBA DR Section Annual Meeting, 2010;
- “Introduction to the Basics of International Arbitration,” NYSBA International and DR Sections, Annual Meeting, 2010;
- “Designing Arbitration Clauses to Anticipate Choice of Law Issues and Avoid Costly and Time-Consuming Ancillary Litigation,” New York City Bar Association, 2010;
- “Best Practices as to Conducting Preliminary Hearings in Large Complex Arbitrations in the Employment and Other Areas,” NYSBA DR Section, Fall Meeting, 2009;
- “How to Achieve the Arbitration Goals of Expedition, Economy and Fairness in Cases in the Accounting and Financial Industries,” New York State Society of CPAs, 2009;
- “Perspectives on Arbitration and Mediation in the Real Estate and Financial Industries,” Conference on Conflict Resolution at Work-ADR in the Private and Public Sectors, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, 2009;
- “Exploring The Murky Boundaries Between the FAA and State Law in Arbitrations in New York: Which Law Applies and When? An Overview of Arbitration Choice of Law,” ABA Section of Dispute Resolution's 11th Annual Spring Conference, 2009;
- “The Uniform Mediation Act - Is It Time For New York State to Get on the Bandwagon?,” NYSBA DR Section, Fall Meeting, 2008; and
- “Selecting the Ideal Arbitrator,” American Arbitration Association, 2005.
ADR Trainings and CLEs Attended Periodic Conferences of NYSBA, the American Arbitration Conference, the College of Commercial Arbitrators, and other ADR organizations: Representative Examples
- ACE 21 – Impartiality: Do You Know Where Your Biases Are?, 2021;
- ACE20 Cyber Security: A Shared Responsibility, 2020;
- AAA/ICDR/AAA Mediation.org Panel Conference, 2019;
- AAA/ICDR Council, New York Law School, Cornell Scheinman Institute Conference, 2018;
- AAA-ICDR/ICC/ICSID 34th Annual Joint Colloquium on International Arbitration, 2017;
- Judith S. Kaye Arbitration Competition, 2017;
- CCA 17th Annual Meeting, 2017;
- Employment Brainstorm Breakfast Series - The Keys to a Successful Mediation, 2016;
- AAA Exploring Critical Issues in Arbitration, 2016;
- AAA/ICDR/Mediation.org Panel Conference, 2016;
- AAA Initial Discovery Protocols for Employment Arbitration Cases, 2015;
- AAA/ACESIN Arbitrating in a Digital World, 2015;
- AAA 31st Annual Joint Colloquium, NY, 2014;
- AAA Winning at Arbitration: More than 30 Specific Tips Advocates Can Use to Improve Arbitration Outcomes, 2014;
- AAA Managing the Arbitration Process for Efficiency/Economy Following the Preliminary Hearing, 2013;
- AAA Maximizing Efficiency/Economy in Arbitration: Challenges at the Preliminary Hearing, 2013;
- 11th Annual ICDR Miami International Arbitration Conference; 2013;
- ARIAS-US Difficult Issues in Arbitration, 2013;
- CCA Annual Conference, 2013, 2010, 2009;
- AAA Advanced Mediator Training Series: Managing the Dynamics of a Multi-Party Case, 2012;
- AAA/ICDR Neutrals Conferences, 2009-2012;
- ICDR 9th Annual Miami International Arbitration Conference: In House Counsel and International Arbitration, 2011;
- ICDR/IBA Four Roundtables in Times Square - Putting the Spotlight on International Arbitration on Broadway, 2011;
- Fordham Law School Symposium on “Supreme Court and Recent Arbitration Jurisprudence – Where Are We Headed?, 2011;
- 2011 Fall Conference, ARIAS-US, “Finding Solutions: An Industry Task Force on How Companies Can Use Improved Arbitration Procedures for Future Disputes Arising Under Older Contracts”;
- Fordham Law School Sixth Annual Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation, 2011;
- 2011 CPR Annual Meeting, Global Problem Solving––New Tools and Solutions;
- College of Commercial Arbitrators Annual Conferences, 2010, 2009; 2023;
- Fordham Law School, Fifth Annual Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation, 2010;
- AAA Dealing with Delay Tactics in Arbitration ACE04, 2010, 2006;
- ICDR 8th Annual Miami International Arbitration Conference: Resolving International Construction Disputes, 2010;
- AAA Dealing with Delay Tactics in Arbitration (ACE004), 2010, 2006;
- 2010 CPR Annual Meeting, Global ADR: The New Reality, 2010;
- AAA Advanced Mediator Training, 2009;
- CIA, Advanced International Arbitration Training, 2009;
- ACR Advanced Commercial Mediation Institute, 2009;
- ICDR 7th Annual Miami International Arbitration Conference, 2009;
- AAA Managing the ICDR Guidelines on Information Exchange, 2009;
- AAA Chairing the ICDR International Arbitral Tribunal, 2009;
- AAA Arbitration Roadmap: The Standard for Efficient and Cost Effective Arbitration, 2009;
- AAA Electronic Discovery in Arbitration: What You Need to Know, 2009;
- ABA Section of Dispute Resolution, 11th Annual Spring Conference, 2009;
- ARIAS-U.S. Spring Conference on Insurance and Reinsurance Arbitration and Mediation, 2009;
- ARIAS-U.S. Arbitrator Training Seminar––Organizing the Arbitration, 2009;
- Dispute Resolution Section, New York State Bar Association Conference on Contemporary Arbitration and Mediation, 2009;
- CPR Advanced Mediator Training, 2009;
- The Center for Mediation in Law, Mediation Intensive Training Program, 2009;
- Ackerman Institute for the Family, Divorce Mediation Program-Advanced Mediation Training, 2009;
- Ackerman Institute for the Family, Basic Mediation Training (Family Law, Matrimonial, and Other High Intensity Disputes), 2009;
- New York County Lawyers’ Association Joint Committee on Fee Disputes & Conciliation Part 137 Program: Training in Fee Dispute Arbitration, 2008;
- ICDR/ICC/ICSID Joint Colloquium on International Arbitration, 2008;
- New York State Bar Association, Dispute Resolution Section, Colloquium––Exploring Established Techniques, Challenges, and New Directions in Mediation and Arbitration, 2008;
- ARIAS-U.S., Arbitrator Training: The Powers of Arbitrators––Legal Standards as to Discovery, 2008;
- ARIAS-U.S., Colloquium on Developments as to Arbitration and Mediation in the Insurance/Reinsurance Industries, Fall Conference, 2008;
- ARIAS-U.S., Intensive Training Workshop on Arbitration of Insurance Industry Disputes, 2008;
- Fordham Law School, Third Annual Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation, 2008;
- ABA Center for Continuing Legal Education, Hall Street v. Mattel: The FAA’s Grounds of Review are Preserved - Or are They?, 2008;
- New York City Bar, Mediation Program, 2008;
- AAA Webinar, Ensuring That Your Clients’ Interests are Addressed in Mediation, 2008;
- AAA Webinar, Attorney Mishaps, Missteps and Mismanagement in Arbitration, 2008;
- New York City Bar, Securities Arbitration & Mediation: Hot Topics, 2008;
- New York State Judicial Institute, Advanced Training for Commercial Division Mediators, 2008;
- New York City Bar, Commercial Arbitration: Recent Developments, Emerging Trends & Future Issues, 2008;
- Queens County Bar Association, Commercial Mediation Training, 2007;
- AAA Chairing an Arbitration Panel: Managing Procedures, Process & Dynamics (ACE005), 2005;
- AAA Neutrals Conference, 2003;
- AAA Arbitration Awards: Safeguarding, Deciding & Writing Awards (ACE001), 2003;
- AAA Arbitrator Update, 2002;
- AAA Commercial Arbitrator II Training: Advanced Case Management Issues, 2002; and
- AAA Commercial Arbitrator Training, 2000.
- Accounting
- Business Divorces
- Commercial
- Employment
- Healthcare & Life Sciences
- Insurance
- Intellectual Property
- International
- Real Estate
- Securities
Locations New York, New York Available to hear cases worldwide |